Cara Membuat Follow by Email (Kotak Berlangganan - Subsciption Box) Simple Keren di Sidebar Blog.
MELENGKAPI posting sebelumnya tentang Macam-Macam Widget Kotak Berlangganan di Sidebar Blog, kali ini tampilannya simple dan menggunakan kotak berlangganan atau Follow by Email Bawaan Blogger.
Tampilan Subscription Box-nya seperti ini. Demo Live-nya ada di Starter Theme.
1. Layout > Add a Gadget > Pilih "Follow by Email"
2. Jika punya ID FeedBurner, maka sesuaikan FeedBurner URL-nya
2. Save!
Selanjutnya adalah memasang kode CSS Follow by Email ini biar desainnya bagus seperti gambar di atas:
1. Template > Edit HTML
2. Copas kode berikut ini di atas kode ]]></b:skin>
.FollowByEmail .widget-content:before{content:"Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.";display:block}
.FollowByEmail .follow-by-email-inner .follow-by-email-submit {background-color:#e74c3c;}
.FollowByEmail .follow-by-email-inner .follow-by-email-address {font-size: 13px;padding: 6px 0;padding-left: 5%;width: 93%;}
.footer .FollowByEmail .follow-by-email-inner .follow-by-email-address {background-color:#000000;border:1px solid #e74c3c;}
input[type="submit"] {border-radius:2px;background-color:#06C100;outline:0;border:0;padding:5px 8px;color:#FFFFFF;margin:2px 3px;cursor:pointer;}
input[type="submit"]:hover {background-color:#324353;}
input[type="text"] {padding: 4px 5px;border: 1px solid rgba(219,219,219,1);color: #324353;}
.FollowByEmail .follow-by-email-inner .follow-by-email-submit {background-color:#e74c3c;}
.FollowByEmail .follow-by-email-inner .follow-by-email-address {font-size: 13px;padding: 6px 0;padding-left: 5%;width: 93%;}
.footer .FollowByEmail .follow-by-email-inner .follow-by-email-address {background-color:#000000;border:1px solid #e74c3c;}
input[type="submit"] {border-radius:2px;background-color:#06C100;outline:0;border:0;padding:5px 8px;color:#FFFFFF;margin:2px 3px;cursor:pointer;}
input[type="submit"]:hover {background-color:#324353;}
input[type="text"] {padding: 4px 5px;border: 1px solid rgba(219,219,219,1);color: #324353;}
3. Anda bisa mengubah kata-kata warna merah.
4. Save Template!
Beres. Demikian cara Membuat Follow by Email - Kotak Berlangganan - Subsciption Box di Sidebar Blogger. Good Luck & Happy Blogging! (*
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